Demi Lovato's documentary series, Dancing With the Devil, premiered last week, giving an intimate, eye-opening, and perhaps for the first time, accurate, look at the singer's rocky journey through stardom. The four-part series (opens in new tab), directed by Michael D. Ratner and produced by OBB Media, offers commentary on the pressures of fame and shines a light on the singer's past traumas through interviews with Lovato as well as her inner circle, family, and mentors like Elton John and Christina Aguilera. Though the series does not shy away from Lovato's ongoing struggles with sobriety and mental health, it ultimately paints a hopeful picture of the 28-year-old and how she found the strength to regain control of her life and become her happiest, fully actualized self.
Dancing with the Devil: Part 1 hd full movie download
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