The temperature in the separator 15 is such that the less volatile hydrocarbons are condensed and dropped into conduit 17, by which they are conducted while still hot to the jet in the charging line or other suitable mechanical pressure device for forcing them into the charging stream. The pressure in the charging stream is maintained from 50 to 100 pounds higher than the pressure in the drum. This insures that the reflux in conduit 17 shall be constantly and positively drawn into the charging line. This hot condensate thus introduced into the charging line increases the volume of oil in the heating coil, accelerates the flow therein, producing a foamy mixture, prevents local overheating in the coil and keeps it free from carbon formations. This reflux does not yield any great amount of carbon and dilutes the carbon-forming charging stock. The reflux reaching the coil while hot also contributes to the maintenance of the proper temperatures "in the heating coil and cracking drum." The residuum is withdrawn through draw-off valve 12 at a rate which maintains a constant body of oil in the cracking drum. Auxiliary heat may be applied to the cracking drum sufficient to offset the loss of heat due to radiation and distillation.
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